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2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season officially begins on June 1st

(Today) Thursday, June 1st, officially begins the 2023 Hurricane Season that will end on November 30th.




The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecasters with the Climate Prediction Center, a division of the National Weather Service are predicting a near-normal hurricane season for the Atlantic this year but the weather could still be unpredictable.




The forecasters have made this conclusion based on a number of competing factors including the high potential of El Nino that is expected to develop in the Atlantic during the summer.









The voice of the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Ecclesiastical and Faith-based Affairs, Mrs. Elretha Simpson-Browne.




In asking for God’s protection, the general public is invited to a special Service of Intercession in recognition of the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season (today) June 1st, at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Molineux Extension in St. Kitts at 5:00 p.m.




The event is a collaborated effort by the Ministry of Ecclesiastical and Faith-based Affairs, the St. Kitts Christian Council and the St. Kitts Evangelical Association.