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Your back pain may be coming from your Kidneys, so says Medical Practitioner, Dr. Tivon Browne

Meanwhile, Medical Practitioner, Dr. Tivon Browne of the Renal Society on Nevis gave an informative address about Renal Disease and the importance of ‘the Kidneys’ during the first ever “Health Talk” program that was aired Thursday night on VON Radio.


The Kidneys are two bean shaped organs, about the size of your fists, located in the lower left and right parts of your back under the ribs.


They are responsible for several bodily functions such as water content regulation, waste removal, managing electrolytes, creating hormones which regulate blood pressure and creating red blood cells.


Implication of the kidneys could lead to them being unable to perform the functions needed by the body and cause Renal Disease or other organ malfunctions:


Dialysis is a treatment for individuals whose kidneys are failing. There are two types of dialysis, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, that both perform normal kidney functions, filtering waste and excess fluid from the blood.

Mr. Browne mentioned an event which would go towards the progress of attaining a Dialysis Unit here on Nevis:



Dr. Tivon Browne.