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Child’s Month activities continue with STEAMagine Cantata

On Friday, June 9th, the Child’s Month Parade journeyed through the streets of Charlestown. The parade began at 9:00 a.m. on Old Hospital Road and ended at the E.T. Willet Park where a fun-day awaited the children.




Each year, a themed colour is selected, this year, the colour selection is pink and the theme is: “Empowering our Children through STEAM Education”.




Activities will continue with a STEAMagine Cantata on Wednesday, June 14th at the Nevis Performing Arts Center (NEPAC) at 4:30 p.m., a Bake Sale next to the Solomon Arcade in Charlestown on Friday, June 16th, Read-With-Me-Family Fun Time at NEPAC on Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd June from 5:00 p.m. on both days.




Friday June 23rd, Early Childhood Development (ECD) Staff Retreat where all pre-schools and nurseries will be closed.




Monday June 26th will be known as ‘Compassionate Day’ where visits will be made to retired ECD workers and will conclude with another parade this time, in St. Kitts.




Also, for each Saturday in the month of June, a number of preschoolers will be guests on VON Radio’s Youth on the Go Program with host – Principal Education Officer (PEO), Ms. Zahnela Claxton.