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COVID-19 Protocol Changes after 80% vaccination rate milestone postponed

On Tuesday, November 23rd Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis, Dr. the Hon. Timothy Harris, said that five major adjustments will be made when the Federation achieves 80 percent vaccination status for adults.

These include “the barriers at Port Zante being removed; all vaccinated tourists arriving whether by cruise or air can then have access to COVID-19 approved sites; unvaccinated or partially vaccinated persons’ quarantine period will be reduced from 14 days to 9 days; a possible removal of all quarantine and testing requirements for arriving passengers 12 years and over who are fully vaccinated; and entertainers will be able to undertake mass events for fully vaccinated persons at 75 percent space capacity.

St. Kitts and Nevis achieved the 80% vaccination milestone on Friday, November 26th 2021.

However, Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris made this announcement on Wednesday, December 1st:

He also provided the reason for the postponed changes:

Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris