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December 30th declared a half public holiday

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Saturday December 30th 2023 (the date set for the Children’s Carnival) has been declared a public half-holiday from noon, a release from the Federal Government says.




In accordance with Section 5 of the Public Holidays Act, Cap. 23.23 of the Laws of Saint Christopher and Nevis, Governor-General, Her Excellency Dame Marcella Liburd GCMG, JP, on the advice of the Cabinet “has issued two (2) Proclamations dated 19th December, 2023, declaring Saturday the 30th day of December, 2023, from noon to be observed and kept as a public half-holiday on the occasion of the 2023 Children’s Carnival.”




Furthermore, the 2nd Proclamation is that “Tuesday, January 2nd 2024, will be observed and kept as a public holiday throughout Saint Christopher and Nevis on the occasion of the 2023/2024 Carnival.”




Monday, January 1st 2024, New Year’s Day, is also a public holiday.