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Divisional Commander of Police Division “C” urges all to wear masks

Member of Nevis’ COVID-19 Task Force and Divisional Commander of Police Division “C”, Superintendent Lyndon David, has lodged an observation regarding the wearing of masks.


During Monday’s COVID-19 Briefing here on Nevis, he said a number of school children are not wearing their masks:



According to the Emergency Powers (COVID-19) (No. 14) Regulations, a fixed penalty notice issued by a police officer in accordance with these Regulations shall be lawful notice that the person is charged with the commission of an offence, requiring him or her to either pay the fixed penalty of five hundred dollars within ten business days or to appear at the court specified in the notice on the day and at the hour stated therein to answer the said complaint.


If the person is under the age of 18 and over the age of 11 the parent or guardian of that person may be charged with an offence. Mr. David spoke of public places where masks are ought to be worn:


Superintendent Lyndon David.