You are currently viewing Dr. Browne’s “Health Talk” addressed various stages of Kidney Disease
Vector illustration of the kidney failure. Normal kidney versus kidney affected with nephrosclerosis. Scalable illustration of the urine system with the vessels

Dr. Browne’s “Health Talk” addressed various stages of Kidney Disease

Dr. Tivone Browne of the Nevis Renal Society hosted another edition of “Health Talk” on VON Radio last Thursday evening.


Dr. Browne specializes in Kidney Health and addressed several factors such as Kidney Injury, which is a condition lasting less than three months that negatively affects the kidneys and may lead to Kidney Disease or Kidney Failure:



The pre-renal stage is seen by a loss of blood flow to the kidney, the Intrinsic Stage may come as a result of infection or substance abuse and is seen by the damage of the kidneys filtering apparatus and the Post Renal Stage is seen by obstruction in the vessels that lead from the kidney to the bladder which is mainly caused by an enlarged prostate in males but also enlarged Kidney Stones.


Dr. Browne then addressed Chronic Kidney Disease:



The lower a person’s GFR Scale becomes, the higher the stage of Chronic Kidney Disease will become.


Stage 1 is at least 90ml of blood per minute which is normal filtration, stage 2 is 80-69, stage 3 is 59-30; persons usually see symptoms of Anorexia and Illness in this stage, stage 4 is 29-15 and stage 5 is 15 or less.


Dr. Browne explained that the 2 most common causes of kidney injuries are diabetes and the over use of pain medications.