Four Bills were passed in the National Assembly on Friday November 4th. The Domestic Violence (Amendment) Bill, 2022, seeks to make much-needed urgent changes to protect victims of domestic violence and provide them with swift access to justice.
Junior Minister responsible for Gender Affairs and Mover of the Bill, Hon. Isalean Phillip said that “the prevalence of gender-based violence is a growing concern in our Federation” hence, the Bill is a critical piece of legislation.” This follows recent incidents of Domestic violence in both St. Kitts & Nevis.
The Evangelistic Faith Church St. Kitts (Incorporation) Bill was passed with support from both sides of the aisle. The passage of the Bill allows the Evangelistic Faith Church in Sandy Point the power to own land and otherwise have legal standing.
The Small Business Development (Amendment) Bill, 2022 which was successfully passed in the House. According to Minister of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Hon. Samal Duggins, the amendments will allow more local businesses to benefit from government assistance.