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Gov’t “running out of space at landfill” here on Nevis

That’s Junior Minister of Health here on Nevis, the Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams.

 To rectify the issue, the Junior Minister, speaking in the Nevis Island Assembly on Dec. 4th, expressed her hope in the new board of Directors at the Nevis Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA), to be innovative.

 Nevis’ Junior Minister of Health, the Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams.

 The new board of directors, which was installed in Oct. 2019, includes: Chairman, Mr. St. Clair Wallace, Mr. Oscar Browne, Ms. Latoya Jeffers, Mrs. Kimberly Hanley-Bello, Mr. Anthony Webbe, Ms. Camille Kelly, Manager of the NSWMA Mr. Andrew Hendrickson, Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Gender Affairs, Mrs. Shelisa Martin-Clarke and Operations Manager at the Nevis Solid Waste Management Authority, Mr. Rudy Browne.