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“Hurricane Season has commenced unofficially”, says NDMD’s Director

With the formation of Arthur, the first named storm for the 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season, this also marks the 6th consecutive year in a row that storms have formed before the official start of the season, which is June 1st.


As of 2:00 pm Monday, Arthur was heading towards North Carolina, at 16 mph to the Northeast, with winds of up 50 mph.


Director of Nevis’ Disaster Management Department (NDMD), Mr. Brian Dyer, spoke of the formation of Tropical Storm Arthur and encouraged all to prepare for the upcoming season.


Mr. Brian Dyer.


According to, forecasters have extended the upper range of hurricanes predicted for the Atlantic hurricane season, with 14 to 20 tropical storms, with additions to the number of storms that become hurricanes: seven to 11 this season.


The company’s top hurricane expert, Dan Kottlowski, also increased the number of major hurricanes, Category 3 or higher, that could develop this season, between four and six.