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IPL (Amendment) Bill, 2023 receives first reading in Nevis Island Assembly

The Integrity in Public Life (Amendment) Bill, 2023 had its first reading at a Sitting of the Nevis Island Assembly on Monday, November 6th, 2023.




The Bill seeks to amend the Integrity in Public Life Ordinance Cap. 1.02 and for matters related thereto and connected therewith.




One of the amendments include deleting a subparagraph in its entirety and replacing it with the following:




“One member appointed on the recommendation of the Leader of the Opposition, or, if there is no Leader of the Opposition, then a person nominated by the Premier after consultation with the members, if any, of the opposition Party or Parties represented in the Nevis Island Assembly.”




An IPL Commission was established to oversee public officials in 2019. The three-member Commission ought to include one person nominated by the Opposition, the others are nominated by the Government.