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Jacinth Henry-Martin appointed SKN’s Ambassador to the USA

Her Excellency Jacinth Henry-Martin has been officially appointed Saint Kitts and Nevis Ambassador to the United States of America.




Ambassador Henry-Martin paid a courtesy call on the Federal Cabinet to share insight on the vast opportunities and resources that the Washington D.C.-based Embassy can provide to the Government and people of the twin-island Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.




Among the many areas of work of the Embassy shared by Ambassador Henry-Martin were the arrangement of high-level bilateral meetings with other countries; networking opportunities with international agencies to assist line ministries in Saint Kitts and Nevis; opportunities for agricultural, financial, and climate resiliency assistance and promotion of Saint Kitts and Nevis as a prime destination through cultural diplomacy.




Jacinth Henry-Martin has served in numerous capacities throughout her career in fields that span private and public sector service, such as an elected parliamentarian and Federal Minister of Government from 2000 to 2004.