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Juvenile trio identified in multiple incidences of Malicious Damage

After several days of searching, the Police have successfully identified, with the general public’s assistance, the three (3) persons responsible for multiple incidences of Malicious Damage to passing vehicles on the F. T. Williams Highway, in St. Kitts.




Based on a video making rounds of social media, the individuals were caught on surveillance cameras in the area running through the streets.




Police told the VONNEWSLINE, the three young males were suspected of “committing multiple instances of malicious damage between July 15th 2023 and July 21st 2023”.




The three (3) males, all juveniles, were brought to the Basseterre Police Station by their respective guardians on July 26th and July 27th 2023 respectively. There, they were each apprehended and interviewed in the presence of their guardians. Following said interviews, each male was released into the custody of his guardian. Their cases will be heard at a later date by the Child Justice Board.