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“LIFT, an improvement over the PAP” says Minister Phillip

The “LIFT” (Livelihood Improvement for Family Transformation) programme has been dubbed an improvement to the PAP (Poverty Alleviation Programme) and Minister of State with responsibility for Social Development-St. Kitts, the Hon. Isalean Phillip, explains how:






To qualify for the PAP assistance, households have to be earning less than EC $3000 a month. However, for the LIFT, Ms. Phillip mentioned this:







Gross income is the money you earn before pension and benefit deductions.




LIFT will prioritize the vulnerability of the unemployed, those with and without children, single-parent families, persons with disabilities (include parents with young children with disabilities) and seniors. For seniors in particular:




Minister Isalean Phillip.

The LIFT application process is anticipated to open by April 1st, with the last payment of PAP, at the end of March.