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Lionsgate release “One Year Off” Movie filmed on Nevis

The island of Nevis will yet again be the featured location of a newly released film. Lionsgate recently released MSR Media’s film “One Year Off”.




Following the release of the Romantic Comedy “Christmas in Paradise” The new film was described by its production company as being “A great romantic comedy where old friends reunite in an inherited beachfront house on the magical Caribbean Island, Nevis.




The film is also said to display the scenery and welcoming people of Nevis, with scenes filmed at the iconic Golden Rock Inn, and the captivating Chrishi Beach Club, to name a few of the visually stunning locations sets on the island.




The Nevis Island Administration partnered with the boutique TV and film production company MSR Media in December 2020 and by January 2021 MSR had set up shop on the island, striking a multi-film production deal with the NIA.




“One Year Off” is now available on Digital and On Demand