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Local business owner calls on authorities to provide a remedy in the high cost of living 

Amidst the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russia which has resulted in the rise of goods and services, local businesses on Nevis have reported that “the pressure is on”. 


One commodity affected by the Ukraine invasion, is Unleaded Gasoline.


In terms of how businesses make money from it, the gas is priced on a full pass-through system, which has fixed figures along with it for dealers. One such dealer is Reliable Motors in Charlestown and the Managing Director is Mr. Carl Claxton:



Residents and citizens of St. Kitts & Nevis saw a further increase in the price of Unleaded Gasoline on March 29th.  Delta Service Stations are $18.01 per gallon and SOL Service Stations are now $17.51 per gallon.  


Mr. Claxton added: 


 Mr. Carl Claxton.