As the Nevis Water Department continues its Water Rationing period to conserve water supply, residents on the island are being asked for their continued patience regarding water shut offs and to continue conservation practices. .
In an address to the nation, Minister of Water Services, – Hon. Spencer Brand provided an update regarding an issue with a Major Water Well and assured the public of the department’s commitment to remedy the issue:
He continued:
Hon. Spencer Brand.
A notice from the Water Department states that shutoff time will be between 8:00 pm to 5:00 am daily until further notice. The shutoff time may also vary due to the availability of water in different areas. Areas that will be affected are:
St. George’s – Hickman’s Village, Zion, Webbe’s Ground, New River, Hanley’s Road and Rices Village…
… St. John’s – Church Ground, Victoria Road, Prospect Estate, Cherry Garden, Braziers Estate, Prospect, Palms, Malcolm Hill, Upper Stoney Grove, Upper Hamilton and Upper Farms Estate…
… St. James’ – Butlers, Brick Kiln, Potworks, Barnaby, Liburd Hill, New Castle and Shaws Road…