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“Miniscule” impact from the Solar eclipse says Met Officer

A solar eclipse took place on Monday Apr. 8th and this had watchers keeping a close eye on the weather.




A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby obscuring the view of the Sun from a small part of Earth, totally or partially.




In North America, areas were plunged into daytime darkness and forecasters predicted cloudy conditions in northern Mexico, Texas and parts of the Great Lakes region.




But what about here in SKN? Met officials told the VONNEWSLINE on Monday, that there will be “miniscule” impact as the Federation will not be covered in daytime darkness. It would have occurred during the afternoon hours.




Senior Met Officer at the Met Office in St. Kitts, Mr. Elmo Burke, in particular, said it was not “advisable” for persons to look directly at the sun during the eclipse.




The eclipse was the first this century to cross over all three North American countries.