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  Nevis Christian Council to hold Mid-Week Lenten Services 

The Nevis Christian Council will begin its annual Mid-Week Services in recognition of the Lenten Season.




The season of Lent commences each year on Ash Wednesday and concludes on Holy Thursday. This year, the observance began on February 22nd and will end on April 6th, 2023. Here on Nevis, the services will be held at the St. Paul’s Anglican Church at 12:15pm beginning on Wednesday, March 1st, 2023. Services will continue every Wednesday until March 29th, 2023.




Speaking to the VONNEWSLINE about the services was Chairperson of the Nevis Christian Council Renewal Committee, Arch Deacon Isiah Phillip:







Meantime, the World Day of Prayer Ecumenical Service will be held on Friday, March 3rd, 2023 at the St. George’s Anglican Church beginning at 7pm.




Arch Deacon Phillip gives us more:




 Arch Deacon Isiah Phillip.