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Nevis Disaster Management Committee praised for commitment

Permanent secretaries and department heads in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) were commended for the role they continue to play in disaster management preparedness and mitigation on the island.




Minister responsible for Disaster Management, Hon. Spencer Brand, registered gratitude to the NIA’s senior officers, during the first Nevis Disaster Management Committee (NDMC) meeting. It comes as the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane season will officially begin on June 1st and end on November 30th.




However, he expressed hope that there will be no natural disasters this year, and as such they would not have to use the skills in disaster management they had garnered over the years.




Director of the Nevis Disaster Management Department, Mr. Brian Dyer, delivered a presentation on the status of the Emergency Operations Center and of preparations for the upcoming Atlantic Hurricane season. Presentations also came from the permanent secretaries and heads of departments who were in attendance.