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No foul play suspected for Veon Sutton

An autopsy was performed on the body of 40-year-old Veon Sutton of Stoney Hills, Nevis, on Thursday, March 25th, 2021 by Resident Pathologist – Dr. Adrian Nuñez. 


A Police Communiqué says, Dr. Nuñez concluded that his death was as a result of Mechanical Asphyxia due to Broncho-aspiration of Gastric contents.

No foul play is suspected. 


Sutton’s body was found on the shoreline of a beach bordering VON Radio, here in Bath Village on Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021. 


Sometime after 4:00 p.m., the Police responded to a report which led them to discover Sutton’s motionless body.

Sutton was found face down in the sand. 


Personnel from the Forensic Services Unit visited and processed the scene.

District Medical Officer – Dr. Chandy Jacobs visited the scene and pronounced him dead.