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Petrocasas houses give fresh-start to 15 families in Mansion Village

As a result of a bilateral agreement between the governments of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Fifteen families in Mansion Village, St. Kitts, each received keys to a two-bedroom house on February 18th.

The 15 homes distributed at Mansion are the first of 50 Petrocasas houses to be built under the agreement and was donated by Venezuela under the Petrocaribe Agreement, which would have been entered after the visit of President Nicolas Maduro to St. Kitts and Nevis in 2015 at the invitation of the Federal Government.


Prime Minister, is the Hon. Dr. Timothy Harris.

Prime Minister, the Hon. Dr. Timothy Harris, speaking to the audience present at the handing-over ceremony of the houses.

Also present were Charge d’ Affaires Ad. Hoc. of the Embassy of Venezuela, His Excellency Mr. Marco Antonio Guzman Adrian, and Minister of Human Settlements et al, the Hon Eugene Hamilton.