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Premier addresses EU report on Caribbean nations’ CBI Programmes

Following a report surrounding the stance of the European Union (EU) on the Caribbean’s Citizenship By Investment (CBI) programmes, Premier Hon Mark Brantley addressed the issue surrounding one of the federation’s major revenue generator.




In the report in question, the EU expressed concerns about the high number of passports sold by St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, and St. Lucia. One major alarm is the possibility of these countries losing visa-free access to the European Union as the body is looking at strengthening their visa waiver program to improve security and prevent illegal migration.




Premier Brantley spoke on such laws or regulations directed at small island states as “hypocritical” and meant to keep such states dependent:







He also gave his views on citizens and residents who oppose the Citizenship By Investment Programme:




Hon. Mark Brantley.