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Premier Dr. Hon. Mark Brantley Finds Missing Pieces of SKN

Nevis’ Premier, Dr. Hon. Mark Brantley spoke of a new venture that he will be taking as he plans to travel to the island of Bermuda to meet and discuss with Premier David Burt and Members of Parliament who are of SKN decent, during the “On the Mark” program which was aired on Wednesday, 16th October at 8pm. 



Premier Brantley mentioned that a large percentage of Kittitians and Nevisians may have traveled on cargo ships and gotten off in Bermuda in 1904, seeking better conditions for the sake of their families and a large percentage of Bermuda’s population may be of Kittitian and Nevisian decent. 



  Bermuda, despite of being 21 square miles, is regarded as a well governed country and is said to be ahead by its per capita income. It also has a population of 65,000 (being 15,000 more than St. Kitts and Nevis combined). It has a thriving economy, depends solely on tourism, international business, and financial services. Likewise, it is recognized as a major hub for offshore banking and insurance: 


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