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Premier of Nevis leads NIA in Queens Baton Relay

Premier of Nevis the Hon. Mark Brantley lead fellow Cabinet Ministers of the Nevis Island Administration in the passing of the baton during the Queen’s Baton Tour on Saturday May 7th, at the Malcolm Guishard Recreation park.


Queen’s Baton Tour is a lead up event to the Commonwealth Games, an international multi-sport event involving athletes from the Commonwealth of Nations.


The Queen’s Baton Relay carries a message from the Head of the Commonwealth, currently Queen Elizabeth II. The Relay traditionally begins at Buckingham Palace in London as a part of the city’s Commonwealth Day festivities.


Also participating during the relay were Ministers Spencer Brand, Eric Evelyn, Hazel Brandy Williams and other government officials. A Community Family Fun-day was held shortly after at Fort Charles, Bath Village from 12:45 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. organized by the Ministry of Tourism.


This year’s Commonwealth games are scheduled for Birmingham, England from July 28th – August 8th, 2022.