You are currently viewing Queen Elizabeth II’s Image to be replaced on the Eastern Caribbean Currency

Queen Elizabeth II’s Image to be replaced on the Eastern Caribbean Currency

Could Queen Elizabeth II be the last British monarch to feature on the EC currency?




That discussion was recently brought up again. Queen Elizabeth II passed away in September 2022. She reigned for over 70 years and was the longest of any British monarch.




Her death reopened the debate on the type of relationship that former British colonies in the Commonwealth, including St. Kitts & Nevis, will have with the United Kingdom.




In February, Governor of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB’s) Timothy Antoine, said the decision of a possible end to British Monarchs being featured on the Eastern Caribbean currency, would be left up to the Monetary Council, which is made up of the member states’ Finance Ministers.




During the 105th Meeting of the Monetary Council of the ECCB on July 21st, in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), which came following the Ceremony to mark the Change in Chairmanship of the Monetary Council, New Chairman, SVG’s Minister of Finance, Camillo Gonsalves, made this comment.