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Schools resume regular operations on Tuesday following water shortage

Public schools on Nevis resumed regular operations on Tuesday Mar. 26th, as water has been restored. Over the weekend, due to a failed water pump at the Fothergill’s Pump Station, households and schools in the St. George’s and St. John’s Parishes as well as neighboring areas, experienced a disruption in water services.




A press release from the Ministry of Education et al. says that “as a result of the restoration of the water service in most areas, the following public schools resumed regular operations: the Gingerland Pre-school, Joycelyn Liburd Primary School and Gingerland Secondary School.”




However, the St. John’s Pre-school, Ivor Walters Primary and Cecele Browne Integrated Schools, remain closed on Tuesday Mar. 26th and will reopen on Wednesday Mar. 27th, pending full restoration of the water service.




The Ministry added “in the event that there is a change, the information will be sent to parents via each school’s communication mechanism. Parents of students attending these schools should be guided accordingly.”










Ministry responsible for Water on Nevis, Hon. Spencer Brand as he gave an update on the water issue on Tuesday.




According to the Minister, water has been restored but will not be back to its full capacity right away. He stated that the procedure is different from electricity, when persons can receive power instantly and that it will take some time for the tanks to be filled and for all lines in St. Georges and St. John’s to be pressurized before the various households can receive water at full capacity.




He also said:




The Fothergill’s Pumping Station is the largest pumping station on Nevis.