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Several persons injured following Jouvert’s trailer accident

As Culturama 49 continue and as part of the climax of activities, the Emancipation Jouvert Jump-up, or August Monday (Aug. 7th) was held on Nevis.




Revellers from Nevis, St. Kitts, the diaspora and other places, participated in the Jouvert. Unfortunately, during the event a tragedy occurred, on the Long Point Road, in the vicinity of Horsfords Valu Mart. St. Kitts’ Nu Vybes Band trailer was being pulled by Nevis’ Nathaniel Nisbett’s tractor. Preliminary investigations indicate that at Long Point Road, the trailer’s weight exceeded the tractor’s abilities and pushed it down the hill, off the road, and crashed.




Based on videos and photos circulating on social media, they show passengers of the music trailer jumping off the sound system as it careened off the roadway and into a ditch. Reports say five people were injured during the incident.




Police have told the VONNEWSLINE that five (5) persons were treated at the Alexandra Hospital. One person suffered two broken legs; another with a broken arm; and other with bruises and injuries to the mouth and face. Many others sustained minor injuries, but chose not to seek medical attention.




Prime Minister, Dr. Terrance Drew, who visited the injured band members at the Alexandra Hospital, mentioned via his Facebook page (and I quote) “Emancipation Day Jouvert & Long Jam had an unfortunate accident. However, I am relieved to report that everyone involved is in stable condition. I urge everyone to be cautious and aware while enjoying the festivities on the road.” (End of quote)