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SKN CXC Candidates reminded of upcoming query deadline

CXC Candidates in the federation and the rest of the Caribbean have been reminded of the upcoming deadline to submit their examinations queries.




The Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) released the preliminary May/June 2023 examination results to candidates on August 24th 2023. Following the initial release of results schools, ministries, and candidates are given the opportunity to query their results, as candidates may have questions about their grades.




CXC has an established policy in place for candidates to query “Ungraded” or “Absent” results as well as to submit requests to have a script reviewed. In the case of “Ungraded” or “Absent”, candidates may submit a query to have this result investigated. Candidates who may have questions about a grade and would like to have a script reviewed, must submit a request for a “Script Review” which is a paid service. According to CXC, a script review may result in an overall Grade either increasing or remaining the same.  The deadline for submission of queries and review requests is September 22nd 2023.