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SKN joins world in celebrating International Epilepsy Day

On February 14th, St Kitts and Nevis joined the rest of the world in celebrating International Epilepsy Day.


Traditionally celebrated on the 2nd Monday in the month of February, the day is a global event aimed at promoting awareness on epilepsy.


Epilepsy is a common condition that affects the brain and causes frequent seizures according to Seizures are bursts of electrical activity in the brain that temporarily affect how it works. They can cause a wide range of symptoms. Epilepsy can start at any age, but usually starts either in childhood or in people over 60.


The St. Kitts Health Promotion Unit advises the general public in remembrance of the day to exercise preventative methods to prevent epilepsy. These include getting vaccinated against epilepsy causing infections, washing hands frequently to prevent infections that cause epilepsy, ensuring the presence of a trained birth attendant during child birth and wearing protective head gear.