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SKN to have ‘No Plastic Bag Monday’ throughout June

In recognition of Environmental Awareness Month, St. Kitts and Nevis will see a new initiative throughout the month of June, in an effort to achieve a more sustainable and environmental friendly nation.




Each Monday of this month, persons are encouraged to take their reusable shopping bags to the supermarkets, as the ‘No Plastic Bag Monday’ initiative began on June 5th, 2023.




Providing more information on the initiative was Environmental Officer, Ms. Vicia Woods:







Ms. Vicia Woods.




Monday, June 5th was celebrated as World Environment Day and this year’s edition sought to focus on solutions to plastic pollution, under the campaign #BeatPlasticPollution.




According to, the day generally showed how countries, businesses and individuals are learning to use the material more sustainably; offering hope that one day, plastic pollution will be history.