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St. Kitts and Nevis Public Works department collaborate to pave Market Street

The Public Works Department (PWDs) in St. Kitts and on Nevis recently collaborated to pave a section of Market Street, St. Kitts.




Workers from both departments laid hot mix Asphalt from Nevis to pave a section of the road due to ongoing repairs at the Asphalt Plant in St. Kitts.




In the last update given by Federal Minister of Public Infrastructure, Hon. Konris Maynard (dated March 10th) he stated that “the PWD went through the procurement process to identify a contractor to repair the plant. This process of identifying the contractor is now complete and repair works are underway.”




The department’s recent collaboration, according to Mr. Maynard was “a trial run to see how this and future collaborations can be done to build resiliency of both departments to minimize delays associated with maintenance work being done on machinery or any other operational delays or challenges.”