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Use of motorized bicycles in the public “illegal”, police say




Superintendent of Police, Mr. Cromwell Henry, speaking with the VONNEWSLINE on the issue of illegal motorized bicycles, in both St. Kitts & Nevis.




On January 18th, authorities advised the public that it had observed a sudden increase in the number of bicycles that have been modified, fitted with engines and used on public roads.




So far, according to the police, they have begun to seize the bicycles, and noted that they were being ridden by teenage boys 16 and 17-years-old. The Vehicles and Road Traffic Act requires all motor vehicles to be insured, inspected and licensed for use on public roads.




Mr. Henry made a special appeal to parents:







But what about persons who ride bicycles in the night, without any visibility?




Mr. Cromwell Henry.