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“Vote of Thanks” provided by valedictorian during Nevis Sixth Form College graduation

The Nevis Sixth Form College celebrated the achievements of its past students, during the 2023 Graduation and Prize Giving Ceremony.




A total of 53 students were bestowed their certificates of graduation from the institution after two years of tertiary study. The ceremony saw the reminiscence of the graduates, as speakers and education officials implored them to convert their education garnered over the years into success into their next steps, whether it be in the field of work, seeking further education or other avenues of life.




Students praised for their academic achievements during their tenure included the class valedictorian Ms. Jahkéla Barrett and salutatorian Ms. Sarahi Archibald. During her Speech, Ms. Barrett used the opportunity to offer a “Vote of Thanks” to parents, teachers, staff and all others who had contributed to not only the academic success of the class, but their development into the individuals graduating:




Ms. Jahkéla Barrett.