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Who should be leading the charge on the wearing of Masks?

On this week’s edition of the Let’s Talk program hosted by Mr. Evered “Webbo” Herbert, a concerned citizen voiced his opinion on lack of leadership on not wearing masks in public spaces.


He explained that this bad practice is carried out by both the general public and Ministers of Government.



When asked the question on who should be leading the charge on the wearing of masks, Mr. Herbert is quoted as saying “all the persons who are supposed to be wearing them,” placing emphasis on personal accountability as well as setting a good public example to follow.


Should the Government Ministers leading the efforts in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, be held accountable for the offence of not wearing masks?



The caller was referring to the Bahamian Minister of Health, Duane Sands, who recently tendered his resignation, after authorizing the entry of six American permanent residents to disembark a plane that also contained COVID-19 tests and swabs.


This act was met with wide-spread criticism both locally and abroad.