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Prices of Unleaded Gasoline change first time in almost 5 months

The gas prices in St. Kitts & Nevis have changed according to a notice from the Consumer Affairs Department-St. Kitts, marking the first time in almost five months.


The retail prices of Unleaded Gasoline as of June 20th 2024 were: for Sol service stations- EC $13.81 per gallon, Delta service stations-EC EC $14.13 per gallon.


However, the retail prices of Unleaded Gasoline as of Saturday Nov. 2nd 2024 are: for Sol service stations- EC $12.68 per gallon, Delta service stations- EC $14.13 per gallon. These were approved by the Ministry of Finance (St. Kitts).


Consumer Affairs Dept. St. Kitts stated that “these are the maximum retail prices at which Unleaded Gasoline can be sold at the respective company’s service station.”