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Accidents continue to plague citizens and residents in St. Kitts & Nevis

On July 22nd, between 1pm and 2:30pm, along the island’s main road on Nevis, in the vicinity of Four Seasons Resort, motor jeep P – 5739 and motor pick-up P – 5622 were involved in a minor accident.




Preliminary investigations indicate that both vehicles were travelling in the same direction, heading to Cotton Ground. After passing the Four Seasons Resort main entrance, the driver of the pick up, Rance Blake of St. Peter’s, St. Kitts, overtook the driver of the jeep, Ms. Ruthlyn Tyrell of New River. As a result, Mr. Blake’s vehicle touched Ms. Tyrell’s, causing scratches to the left fender and the left side of the front bumper. Mr. Blake’s vehicle did not stop, and did not remain on the scene after the accident occurred.




During the wee hours Sunday July 23rd, Ganraj Persaud of New Road, St. Kitts, fell asleep while driving motor car PA-3846. As a result, the vehicle ran off the public road and struck a utility pole and a fence before coming to a complete stop. This took place on Pond Road, in the area of the TDC Home & Building Depot. The damages to the utility pole caused a power outage in the area and as a result, SKELEC was called to remedy that issue. An investigation into the incident is ongoing. Mr. Persaud was escorted to the JNF General Hospital for examinations to assist with the investigation following the accident.




Later that same day July 23rd, between 9am and 10am, on island’s main road, Cayon Street, in St. Kitts, in the vicinity of the Laundromat, an accident occurred between two motor cars, PA – 2267 P – 3439.




Police say both vehicles were travelling in the same direction with the driver of P-2267, Ms. Desarine Morton in front of the driver of P-3439, Mr. Michail Brown. When Ms. Morton stopped behind a parked vehicle to allow the oncoming traffic to pass, Mr. Brown collided with the rear of her vehicle. Mr. Brown was arrested at the scene for the offences of Driving without a Valid or Unexpired Drivers’ License and Driving without Insurance. He was formally charged on July 24th and granted bail in the sum of EC $5,000 with two sureties.




Tuesday (July 25th), driver of motor jeep P 2070, Randy Desouza and driver of PB 5811, Vincent Mulraine, were involved in an accident between 7am & 7:30am, in Middle Island, St. Kitts, close to the Anglican Church.




Desouza stated that while travelling from Sandy Point to Basseterre along the Island Main Road, something hit his wind screen while he was passing through Middle Island. He stated that this caused a distraction. As a result, he did not realize Mr. Mulraine’s car had stopped in front of him, and he subsequently collided with its rear.




Following the incident, Mr. Mulraine’s two (2) passengers were transported to the JNF General Hospital by private vehicle for medical assessment.




Earlier this month, police said it was “deeply concerned” about the frequency of accidents. Lawmen say their investigations revealed that the main cause for traffic accidents this year and others past, was persons driving at excessively high speeds.




In an effort to assist the general public with fully adhering to the Federation’s traffic laws in particular, the Police Force said it will have an increased presence in communities around the country.