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Caricom’s Policy: Full free movement or not? What is SKN’s position?

What is St. Kitts & Nevis’ position on the full free movement of Caricom nationals? Recently, a policy on entire free movement of Caricom (Caribbean Community) nationals was put forward by Caricom’s heads of Government at a meeting, with it slated to be in place by March 31st. SKN is part of Caricom-the regional integration group.




The free movement of nationals is part of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) that allows for the free movement of goods, skills, labour and services in all CARICOM member states with the exception of The Bahamas, Montserrat, and Haiti without the need to obtain a work permit.




Bermuda, a British Overseas Territory, which is seeking full membership of Caricom, says it is not contemplating being part of the region’s attempt to allow for the free movement of nationals. The Bahamas government reiterated will not be part of the free movement.




In addition, Antigua and Barbuda is not participating. However, the arrangement where other CARICOM nationals can obtain a six-month stay once they meet the requirements will also remain. This is PM Dr. Terrance Drew on the matter of full free movement:





Last Wednesday, Nevis’ Premier, Hon. Mark Brantley, said:





Leader of the People’s Labour Party (PLP), Dr. Timothy Harris, urged the Federal Government to do things orderly.






Nevis Reformation Party’s (NRP) Leader, Dr. Janice Daniel-Hodge, told the VONNEWSLINE:






These were a few callers, expressing their views during the last “On the Mark” show:





The Heads of governments will be meeting again on Friday March 15th and a decision will be made on the policy towards the entire free movement of Caricom nationals.