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Tenure of the Office of the Prime Minister (Amendment) Bill, 2019 does not limit persons who have served already

One Bill in particular which will receive its 2nd reading at tomorrow’s sitting is the Constitution of St. Christopher and Nevis Tenure of the Office of the Prime Minister (Amendment) Bill, 2019.


The main objective of the Bill is to make an amendment to Section 52 (2) of St. Kitts and Nevis’ Constitution, with the amendment, “a Representative shall not hold office as Prime Minister for more than two terms”.


But does this bill apply to persons that have already served as Prime Minister?


Premier of Nevis, the Hon. Mark Brantley, at his monthly Press Conference on Wednesday, November 27th, 2019, gave this response to the aforementioned question.


The Hon. Mark Brantley.


The Team Unity administration has long contended that a bill of this nature would bring the Federation in line with the practices of many jurisdictions globally, where there is already term limits for Heads of Government.