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Civil Servants to enter new payroll system

The Government of St. Kitts and Nevis will be introducing a new payroll system for Civil Servants. All monthly paid civil servants can soon expect to be paid on a twice monthly or a semi-monthly basis.




According to Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew’s Facebook page, semi-monthly means that employees will be paid two times per month on specific dates. If one of those stipulated pay dates falls on a weekend, the payroll will instead be paid out on the preceding Friday.




According to a press release, a committee will be formed comprising of executive members of the Human Resource Management Department, Prime Minister’s Office, the Accountant General Department and the Ministry of Finance to assess and implement the initiative. The Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Marcus Natta will be heading the committee and overseeing the process.




A meeting was held earlier this week to discuss the necessary changes and execution method, and several meetings will follow within the upcoming months to inform and educate the civil servants on the new payment schedule and benefits of the semi-monthly payroll.




However, the Government Auxiliary Employees (GAEs) will continue to receive their weekly wage. More details will be forthcoming as the process is finalized. Currently there is no set timeline for implementation, but it is expected to be completed within the first half of the year.