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Cottle Church to celebrate 200 years of service

The island of Nevis will on May 5th 2024, celebrate the bicentennial of the Cottle Church. It was an Anglican Church on Nevis and built at the request of Thomas Cottle, a Nevisian lawyer, by the people he had enslaved. Ground was broken in 1822 and the church was finished in 1824, with the first church service being held on May 5th.




Member of the Cottle Church Restoration Group, is Ms. Loraine Chaderton:







After Mr. Cottle’s death in 1828, the church fell into disuse. Efforts were made over the years to preserve it but it fell into ruins because of natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes). Today, its structure can be found in Round Hill Estate, relatively close to the Mount Nevis Hotel.




Ms. Loraine Chaderton. A church service will be held at 4pm on May 5th 2024, in the compound of the Cottle Church.