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December 8th 2020 is Budget Day here on Nevis

Nevis’ Premier and Minister of Finance, the Hon. Mark Brantley will present the 2021 Budget on Tuesday, December 8th, 2020. 


This, as a Sitting of the Nevis Island Assembly will be held at the Assembly’s Chambers.


The event will commence at 10:00 a.m. 


The 2020 Budget was to the tune of $239,713,000.00 EC dollars.  


According to the Premier, the 2020 Budget represented an 11% reduction, when compared to the 2019 Budget of $269.6 million EC dollars. 


The 2020 Budget had as its theme: “Building Resilience, Improving Infrastructure for long term development, A harmonized approach to economic Growth”. 


The 2021 Budget will also come in the midst of the world and specifically, St. Kitts and Nevis currently battling the COVID-19 pandemic.