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Dr. Samuel Rawlins bestowed the UWI Pelican Award 

Dr. Samuel C. Rawlins, PhD, has been bestowed with the UWI Pelican Award. 


The UWI Open Campus held its 2022 Global Giving and Pelican Award Ceremony at Government House, Basseterre, St. Kitts on August 30th.  


UWI Pelican Award was presented to him by Ms. Jihan Williams, President of the UWIAA St. Kitts and Nevis Chapter. 


Dr. Rawlins is an Emeritus Scientist with the Caribbean Epidemiology Centre and the Pan American Health Organization and a Member of the Joint Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Noble Peace Prize Laureate, 2007. 


The Pelican award is the highest award that a UWI Alumni Association (UWIAA) Chapter may bestow, according to


It is a special alumni accolade and indicates how proud the fellow alumni of the awardee are, of his/her, national, regional and/or international success and renown.