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“Every meal is an opportunity to nourish and protect our bodies” –Nevis HPU

In acknowledgement of Annual World Cancer Day, the Nevis Health Promotion Unit (Nevis HPU) shared several tips and information for cancer prevention, treatment and optimal health.


The unit gave information about phytochemicals and antioxidants, which are cancer preventative compounds, found in many varieties of colourful vegetables, and other foods that give them their flavor, colour, and aroma. One example of a phytochemical is lycopene, found in red plants such as watermelon and papaya, while an antioxidant example is vitamin C, found in carrots and fish.


It is encouraged that persons eat colourful salads in their lunches, include at least 3 differently coloured vegetables in their dinner, using liberal or large amounts of herbs and spices, as well as choosing seasonal produce to maximize nutrition.


“Let this World Cancer Day be a reminder that, ‘Every meal is an opportunity to nourish and protect our bodies’” said the Nevis HPU.