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“It’s time to get 3 MP’s from Nevis in the Federal Parliament”, so says Nevis’ Deputy Premier

Nevis’ Deputy Premier, the Hon. Alexis Jeffers, has expressed his view with respect to the current number of seats, the Concerned Citizens Movement (CCM) has in the Federal Parliament, as the next General Elections loom in the Federation (due constitutionally by early 2020).

The Team Unity Coalition is made up of the People’s Action Movement (PAM)-4 seats, CCM-2 and People’s Labour Party-1. The Opposition St Kitts-Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP)-3 and the Nevis Reformation Party (NRP)-1.

The representatives from the constituencies of Nevis 9, 10 and 11 respectively, are the Hon. Mark Brantley, the Hon. Vance Amory and the Hon. Patrice Nisbett.

Last Thursday, Minister Jeffers made this remarks and made his position clear:

The Minister added:

Nevis’ Deputy Premier, the Hon. Alexis Jeffers.