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March 28th Boat tragedy: Nicholas Areche at large, A&B Government “rescinds” on repatriation arrangement

The Ministry of National Security has issued a statement about “a developing situation”, in relation to the African detainees that were rescued at sea on March 28th 2023.




St. Kitts and Nevis Coast Guard (SKNCG) responded to a call for help at sea on the earlier mentioned date and the situation turned out to be a rescue mission for a number of Cameroon nationals who were found alive after their boat capsized, after leaving Antigua and Barbuda.




According to the press release, “the Cameroonians were transported to St. Kitts; provided with medical and psychological care; and detained at a government facility pending repatriation to Antigua and Barbuda.” However, as of April 26th 2023, nine (9) of the fourteen (14) Cameroon nationals have escaped from the detention facility on St. Kitts.




By the morning of April 27th four (4) of them have been found. As of Thursday evening, Four more individuals were detained leaving Nicholas Areche currently at large. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Nicholas Areche, is urged to call 465-2241.




A total of seventeen (17) Cameroonians were brought to St. Kitts by the Coast Guard. Three of them were deceased, having perished before being rescued.




In another turn of events, after initially agreeing to accept the repatriation of the other fourteen(14) Cameroonians, Antigua and Barbuda has now rescinded this offer, thereby cancelling the pending arrangement.




Nonetheless, the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis continues to pursue workable and diplomatic solutions as it is duty-bound to do so.