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Ministry of Agriculture award employees for sterling contribution made in 2022

The Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Housing, Cooperatives, Natural Resources, Marine Resources and Culture on Nevis held its annual awards ceremony on Thursday, June 1st to culminate activities for its awareness month that was celebrated throughout the month of May.




The awardees were chosen based on the performance of its employees in 2022. Mr. Collin Huggins received an award for his outstanding service to the Fishing Industry, Dexter Morton for Livestock Farming, Godwin Browne for Crop Farming, Wilbert Perkins for Fishing, Sarah Ghandeo for Woman Farmer of 2022, Angela Williams for Green House Farming, Alison Jones for Butcher of the year for 2022… …




… …Lorenzo Ferlance for outstanding service to the Department of Agriculture Small Farms Equipment Pool Unit, Nabil Browne service to the department’s Extension Division at Indian Castle Estate and for the Potworks Estate – Turza Nieunkirk, Kelva Liburd for service rendered at the Larinson Parry Agricultural Depot.




Other awardees included Ms. Melissa Allen for her significant contribution and commitment to the department, Lennox Brookes outstanding service at the Abattoir Division, Vaughn Sturge for service to the Department of Marine Resources, Vincent Francis for service rendered to the Agro-Processing Unit, Vincia Sturge for service at the Veterinary, Tamara Mills for service at the Propagation Unit and Carvet Taylor for his significant contribution and commitment to the department.