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Miss Stage Right Nevilla Douglas wins FLOW Miss Culture Swimwear Pageant

Ms. Stageright, Nevilla Douglas is the new Ms. Culture Swimwear Queen following the contest which took place last evening Tuesday August 1st at the Cultural Complex.




Ms. Douglas along with four other contestants competing in a total of four segments namely: Fitness Swimwear, 1 Piece Swimwear, 2 Piece Swimwear and Creative Wear.




Taking the title of Best Fitness, Best 1 Piece and Best 2 Piece was Nevilla Douglas with 214, 240 and 229 respectively while Ms. Carib Jack Tianna Richards walked away with Best Creative Wear with 238.




The new Ms. Culture Swimwear won the competition with a total of 864 points, 1st runner up went to Ms. Tianna Richards with 849 points while the 2nd runner up position went to Ms. FLOW Vanessa Simon with 790 points. The other contestants were Ms. Nevis Housing and Land Development Corporation Shakyra Williams and Ms. Stella’s Engineering Ms. Atalia Newton