You are currently viewing Mrs. Diana Claxton-Whittaker, the third member for Nevis IPL Commission

Mrs. Diana Claxton-Whittaker, the third member for Nevis IPL Commission


That was the Voice of Premier of Nevis, Hon. Mark Brantley.




An IPL Commission was established in 2019 to oversee public officials. The three-member Commission ought to include one person nominated by the Opposition, one by the governor general and the other by the government. However, after the absence of the appointment of a member by the Opposition, the government in November 2023 introduced a bill to amend the Integrity in Public Life Act.




The new amendment made stated “One member appointed on the recommendation of the Leader of the Opposition, or, if there is no Leader of the Opposition, then a person nominated by the Premier after consultation with the members, if any, of the opposition Party or Parties represented in the Nevis Island Assembly.”




Mrs. Claxton- Whittaker joins Mr. Ricardo Caines and Mr. Sydney Newton on the Commission.