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Nevis’ Ministry of Health receives vital medical equipment donation from SSB

Ministry of Health on Nevis has received a significant donation of essential medical equipment valued at US $60,000 from the St. Christopher & Nevis Social Security Board (SSB). This contribution enhances the hospital’s ability to provide improved healthcare services to patients and the broader Nevisian community.


During a handing-over ceremony on February 24 at Alexandra Hospital, Deputy Director of the SSB, Mrs. Mellicia Phillip, officially presented the donation to Nevis’ Minister of Health et al., the Hon. Jahnel Nisbett.

Senator Nisbett expressed gratitude on behalf of the NIA, emphasizing the donation’s impact. One of the ten electrical hospital beds included in the equipment donated to the Ministry of Health in the Nevis Island Administration by the St. Christopher & Nevis Social Security Board.


Deputy Director Phillip said “every year Social Security would donate $30,000. We did not donate anything last year, and so this year, they would have donated $60,000 in equipment.”


The donation included ten electrical hospital beds to enhance patient care and comfort for the Alexandra Hospital and Flamboyant Nursing Home; a dry/vac suction machine, two water purification systems, and two ultrasonic scalar units with various handpieces for the Dental Unit; and two Brewer examination beds to support their ongoing efforts in providing quality outpatient care at the Community Health Nursing Services.

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